Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Day at the Hacienda Las Maragritas

It was wash day at the ranch when we arrived; scrubbing on rocks and drying on fences. The neighboring villagers come to the one & only watering hole within walking distance, which is located on the farm known as Hacienda Las Margaritas. Some of the cruisers were asked if they'd like to spend the day with the family who has owned the farm for over 40 years & of course, we jumped at the chance. A new adventure! The area on the outskirts of the ranch is definitely 3rd world; these people live in shacks & have very little by our standards. It was interesting to get out of the Cartegena & see another aspect of Columbia. We brought little gifts for the kids (crayons, stickers, etc.) but were asked not to give them out because then they expect it from all the gringos that they see. Fair enough. After our walk, we took a little side trip on a "chariot" (see pic) to a nearby hot springs/mud hole (different from the previous one I had been to). We didn't go in very far as there was no water to wash up after, except for the small rio a mile or so away. Anyway, it was a very interesting volcanic area. After our little trip in the chariot, we came back to lunch "typico" of sopa (soup) made with carne & pollo (mystery meat & chicken). Later my bonus, I got to check off one of the things I've always wanted to do & that was to go horseback riding in Columbia. The horse's name "Lightning", was anything but! The family was so hospitable & it was a great way to spend the day while we await boat parts in Cartagena.

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